A. Here is how you can change your PromptStrongbox Password:

1. Visit your login URL and click "Forgot Password"

2. After you click "Forgot Password", you will visit the Password reset page, here you need to enter your signed-up email address and click "Send Password Reset Link"  

3. Then you will receive an email with a "Reset Password" Notification

4. After you visit the reset password page, please insert " Your signed-up email address", Enter your new password, and Enter your new password again and click "Reset Password".

B. Here is how you can change your Marketro Membership Account password:

1. Login to your Marketro Membership area here or in this URL: https://account.marketro.com 

2. Enter Your Current Password, and Type in your New Password. Re-type your new password to Confirm your New Password. Click Save Profile 

B. Here is how you can Reset your Martketro Membership Account Password:

1. Visit your Marketro Membership area here or in this URL: https://account.marketro.com and click the Forgot password? link next to log in.

2. Type in your Marketro Member account Username or your Sign-up Email ID

You will get a message which says "A link to reset your password has been emailed to you. Please check your mailbox.".  

4. Log in to your Sign-up email address. You will get an email in the following format. Click the link below "Follow a link below to change your password:" or copy and paste the link on your browser address bar and press Enter.

Important Note: In case you didn't find an email in your Inbox, check your Spam or Junk Email Folder. (You may also perform a search with Keyword  "Marketro Account" in your Inbox.)

5. Type in your New Password. Re-type the new password to Confirm the Password. Click Change Password.

6. Click login to your account and use your username and the new password you've set to log in to your Marketro Member account

Or, Email us from your Sign-up email ID requesting a password reset of your Marketro Member account and we'd send you a new password.